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Dentist At The Dentist: Part 2

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Dentist At The Dentist: Part 2

Picking up where I left off, I’m at Dr. Gradwell’s office to get my fractured tooth extracted and the site grafted with bone in preparation for a future implant. Using only local anesthesia, Dr. Gradwell easily and atraumatically removed my bad tooth, cleaned out the minor bit of infection, disinfected the site and than realized he had enough solid bone to place a dental implant in the perfect position.

After the dental implant is placed, the open areas where the roots were are grafted with bone and the site is sutured almost completely closed! Hurray! Less time to wait for a new tooth because the implant is already placed!

If you have never had a procedure like this done, the truth is that the hardest part is the sadness over losing your tooth! It had been with me a long time and we shared countless meals together! There was NO pain during the extraction, dental implant placement and grafting, just some unusual noises. I was taking antibiotics, I only needed a few Motrin for the tiny amount of pain I experienced, applied ice regularly for 24 hours and I followed all of the post surgical instructions.

I was able to treat patients the next day and went to a Phillies game with my wife and friends that evening! So for the time being, I’m missing a tooth, but back in my regular routine the next day.

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