Dental insurance is a wonderful benefit, but little has changed since the original policies were introduced in the 1960s. Whether it is your yearly maximum, percentage of coverage, network participation, or even dual coverage, dental insurance today doesn’t even remotely cover the true cost of care.
The science behind dental medicine is exploding, offering many more options for care and natural function. In addition, the costs of all goods, services, and labor have all increased significantly in the last 60-plus years.
From 1960 to today, the consumer price index has jumped the cost of goods, services, and labor by over 1,000%. That means that you would need $1,016.35 today to purchase what $100 bought in 1960! This is reflected in all facets of our lives, except dental insurance, which has gone from a true benefit to little more than a coupon! To add insult to injury, the plan administrators often make arbitrary treatment decisions, delay pre-authorizations for care, or outright deny appropriate care in an effort to prevent you from receiving treatment.
My goal is to provide you with the most appropriate care individualized for your specific needs. I have opted NOT to be part of any dental insurance network so that the care I deliver becomes all about you and NOT what a non-dentist plan administrator thinks is best. And oftentimes, you will have options that you should ultimately decide on! What we are able to do is to cooperate with any of the dental insurance plans that allow you to be treated out of network, electronically submit your forms, and, if needed, fight on your behalf to receive your benefits!
I understand the economic reality of needing to maximize one’s benefits, but at the sacrifice of your actual needs, it becomes more of a liability than a benefit! I haven’t been a bystander, as I have been involved in trying to reform the current system for years. Change is coming slowly, and I am happy to talk to you about your specific needs. Coleen and I are happy to evaluate your benefits and work to maximize what you are entitled to receive and fight for what you deserve. Don’t just settle for what a dental insurance company says is best for you; get educated and make your own choice!
ADA Lobby Day in Washington, DC 2023
PDA Lobby Day in Harrisburg 2014